DNSeattle is a domain name entrepreneur and investor meetup in Seattle, WA.
Premier Sponsor:

Supporting Sponsors:

Festivity Prizes Provided By:
DomainIQ.com, Estibot.com, DNAcademy.com
DNSeattle is an in-person networking and educational event for entrepreneurs, investors and operators.
If you want to learn more about domain names like how to acquire the ultimate brand for your company, how improve your investing strategies, or just be motivated by entrepreneurial success stories – get out from behind your computer and meet some people.
DNSeattle will focus on domain name:
Due diligence and legal issues
Success stories from Seattle-based entrepreneurs and investors
And much more
Only 75 tickets are available. Once we’re sold out, we’re sold out. Don’t delay!
“Selling Ice to Eskimos” with Andrew Rosener
Michael Cyger will interview Andrew Rosener about buying and selling premium domain names, where he’s seen success in the past, where it’s going to be in the future, and how all TLDs can benefit from the trends. Real tactics will be discussed before opening up to an attendee Q&A session. Watch now »
Drinks and heavy hor d’oeuvres will be provided.
All profits raised from DNSeattle will benefit the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, WA. Fred Hutch is focused on helping us all find a cure for cancer.
We're charging for admittance. All proceeds to be donated to the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.
Sorry, no registration at the door, no transfers, no refunds. Register ASAP to be guaranteed a ticket.

We have many innovative entrepreneurs and investors in the Pacific Northwest.
Whether you're in Seattle, over the mountain, coming down from Canada or up from Portland, we should be meeting, in person, on a regular basis to share information and best practices about acquisition, development, investment, monetization and sales.
We can learn so much more person-to-person, and I am honored to facilitate a regular domain name networking and educational event in Seattle.
@MichaelCyger scored a home run last night! People are buzzing about the next @DNSeattle meet up already!
Attending DNSeattle.com right now – great event, awesome networking #dnseattle @DNSeattle
Super excited for @DNSeattle with @MichaelCyger tomorrow! Business and networking with like minded people close to home. Priceless!
Excited to be attending @DNSeattle. Anything @MichaelCyger does is worth the trip! #domaining #domains
A huge thanks to Michael Cyger of @domainsherpa for organizing an awesome @DNSeattle event last night!!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the date/time/location of the event?
Thursday, May 25th, 2017 from 6-9pm at the The Living Room (Amazon's Van Vorst building 426 Terry Ave N, Seattle, WA –right down on South Lake Union)! Check out their awesome work space: Foursquare Album
What happens when all tickets are sold out?
We'll likely have a wait list. Email to DNSeattle.com event organizer Michael Cyger.
Can I bring my significant other?
Sure. The more the merrier. (One ticket required per person.) Plus, maybe they'll see why we think this is such an exciting area and want to learn to do investing or development themselves!
Can my company sponsor the event, in part or in whole?
Sure. Let's talk. Contact DNSeattle.com event organizer Michael Cyger.
Where should I stay if I'm from out of town?
Unfortunately, there is no group rate available for out of towners. There are many hotel options within a quick Uber ride from the event center.
Some of us will be staying at the Pan Pacific Hotel.
What should I wear?
Whatever you feel comfortable in. But remember, first impressions last. If you're looking to find a development gig with a partner that owns a killer domain or sell some inventory, dress to impress; don't show up in tattered jeans and a smelly t-shirt.
What should I bring?
Business cards are so 1990, but they do work — meet an interesting guy/gal and you can easily exchange information. Don't have cards, just print something up on paper...make it fun, interesting, put a joke on it, make it memorable.
Oh, and bring a pen and some paper to take notes, ideas, etc.
If you want to promote your business, bring some tchotchkes (yes, that's how you spell it).
Can I stay late and party?
"You don't have to go home but you can't stay here."
After the format event, we'll make our way to a local bar for continued socializing from 9pm until they kick us out. Details announced at the event.
Driving to the event?
From I-5 Northbound and Southbound:
Take Exit 167 for Mercer St toward Seattle Center.
Turn left onto Fairview Ave N.
Turn right onto Harrison St.
Take the 2nd right onto Terry Ave N.
Van Vorst will be on the right side in the courtyard.
Parking near the event?
There are public lots around the area, including a number of pay garages in the surrounding area. There is also a street car that goes from Westlake down Terry Ave that lets out near the building.
Past Events
See why DNSeattle is THE event to attend in the PacNW.